
 Chapter 4 & Privacy Article

Choose the best answer.  All questions are weighted equally.  For true/false questions, A is true and B is false. 


________        1.  According to your textbook, a manager that looks the other way when he knows about an employee’s unethical behavior:

a.       shows that he is a team player concerned with the long term viability of the organization.

b.      sets the right ethical tone for the organization. 

c.       sets an example—one indicating that ethical transgressions will be accepted.

d.      creates a positive tone of ethical behavior.

e.       all of the above are correct.


________            2.  True or false.  According to your textbook, Enron created a complex

network of subsidiaries that enabled it to move losses from the core company to subsidiaries. 


________            3.  True or false.  It is illegal for U.S. businesspersons to bride foreign offices to secure advantageous contracts. 


________            4.  In Questions and Case Problem 4-7 (Elm City Cheese Co. v. Federico),

Mr. Federico first became associated with Elm City on a professional level as its:

a.       lawyer. 

b.      real estate agent.

c.       Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

d.      Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

e.       medical doctor.


_________      5.  In Questions and Case Problem 4-3, Susan Whitehead serves on the city planning commission that is planning a new subway system.  What is the ethical dilemma that she struggles with because the contractor submitting the lowest bid is her brother-in-law?

a.       The contractor, Jerry, has been charged with fraud in connection with another large public contract.

b.      She knows that over the years Jerry has a pattern of not finishing large projects or requesting very large increases after the job has begun. 

c.       She knows that her brother-in-law has significant mental health issues and doubts his ability to manage such a large project.

d.      She knows that her sister (Jerry’s wife), who has been convicted of stealing and passing fraudulent checks last year, will have access to a special city checking account set up for the project with millions of dollars in it.  

e.       She knows that once Jerry completes the job he will sell his company and quit working making subsequent revisions after completion potentially more difficult. 


_________      6.  True or false.  In United States v. Maxwell, a military court ruled that an expectation of privacy existed in an AOL e-mail. 


_________      7.  U.S. privacy rights in personal information is guaranteed by:


a.       the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

b.      the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

c.       a patchwork of federal and state constitutional, statutory and case law.

d.      The Federal Privacy Protection Act of 1970.

e.       Title 15, United States Code § § 6501 - 6600. 


_________       8.  The U.S. Constitutional protections would generally apply to which of the

following situations?


a.                   An Internet Service Provider (ISP), a private company, selling 

their customers’ web surfing habits. 

b.                  A IRS employee investigating your Web sites’ traffic statistics to

prove your unpaid your tax liability.

c.                   Your private employer preventing you from talking freely in e-

mail communications relating to your work. 

d.                  All of the above.

e.                   None of the above.


_________                        9. True or false.  In regard to protecting Web surfers’ informational privacy,

Web sites’ privacy policies, and other applicable laws are the only major limitations on their use and sale of your personal information.


_________    10.  True or false.  The fear of using technology to tap into one’s personal

information has been present only since the wide expansion of the Internet (within the last ten years). 














1.                  c (page 84-5)

2.                  a (page 87)

3.                  a (page 93)

4.                  d (page 95)

5.                  b (page 14)

6.                  a (Privacy)

7.                  c (Privacy page 26)

8.                  b (Privacy page 24)

9.                  a (Privacy generally)

10.              a (Privacy page 24)